
part of the Southern Region

  • Address

    The Marshallings,
    Harlington Road East,
    TW13 5BN.

  • Telephone:

    020 8890 3126

  • Email:


This is some optional blurb that the club can choose to provide as a descrpition of themselves, maybe mention member numbers or popular activities.  Perhaps even describe history of the club or the status of its buildings or whatever they like.


Sports, football, lawn bowls, indoor bowls, cribbage, poker, pool, darts, golf, dinner evenings, etc.

Awards and Accolades

 Member Joe Bloggs, winner of 2016 National Open Crib Tournament.

Member Jane Dow, 2nd place winner of 2015 Angling Competition.

Secretary John Smith, 3rd place runner-up in the Cleanest National Club competition.

Club Gallery

Click, or touch, any image to see full-size version.